Newborns vaccines
List of newborns vaccines
By Tapas Saha, 22/01/2019
There was a time when the parents' main concern was that the child would survive? The cause was several fatal diseases. Deadly diseases like tuberculosis, ham, bow cysts were the cause of many infant deaths. But science has made progress. Today, a vaccine can put an end to this deadly disease forever. Today's maternity and newborn health care is a role model for many countries around the world, thanks to the tireless work of NGOs run by the government and donor agencies. In our country, all these immunization programs are run free of charge by the government.
The eight diseases that can be prevented by vaccination through the EPI program are bowel disease, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, ham, tuberculosis, hepatitis-B, Haemophilus influenza. All these diseases are contagious and exist in Bangladesh. Children under the age of one year make it a very serious condition. All these diseases can be prevented by vaccination.
Baby vaccination list

Chicken Pox, Typhoid and Hepatitis A vaccine is not vaccinated on EPI. Anyone can buy and take it from a hospital or doctor himself. They are available at many private hospitals or vaccination centres. Therefore, in addition to delivering these vital vaccines from EPI for the well-being of the newborn, the rest of the vaccines should be given time from different health centres. The child of the mother is good in awareness and in good health.

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