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White Disease ( শ্বেতী বা ধবল )

The white disease is not a shame, but the release can come with proper treatment

( White Disease & Its Treatment )

By Tapas Saha 06/12/2019

White disease, which comes to our eyes when we hear a person's body stains. That is, white on the skin. Usually, when a cell or skin producing cells or skin melanocytes become diseased or diminished or dies, the skin or skin colour called melanin stops producing white spots at that particular point. The English word Albinism for white disease comes from the Latin Albus which means white or white. White can also be hereditary. The disease is caused by mutations in the gene.

Women or men of any age can be infected with the white disease. In general, the body is covered with limbs, such as the hands, feet, face and lips, etc. White is more visible. The white disease usually causes white spots in certain parts of the body.

Symptoms of white disease

(A) White spots on the skin

(B)  If the head hair, eyelids, eyebrows, beard, white or grey at an early age

(C)  Mucous membranes when the bananas in the mouth are colourless

(D)  If the inner part of the eye is colourless or the colour changes

(E)  discolouration of the face, arms, hands or feet (more common)

(F)  white or light rash on the body,

(G)  fading of the skin of other parts of the body such as the armpit, pelvis, genitals or anus

(H)  faint colour cells appearing inside the mouth and nose,

(I) hair, eyebrows, eyeshadow or facial hair white,


Is white disease Infectious Diseases?

No, the whitey does not have any rash or the disease is not fatal. Scientists do not yet know the cause of the disease. There are currently 10 million people worldwide infected with the disease.

Should be done when white Diseases

Things to do in case of white disease -

(A)  Eat more milk, fat, butter, affectionate, fruit juices and other nutritious foods.

(B)  If constipation is at fault, it should be removed.

(C)  It is better to be clean.

How can the white disease be?

There are usually two types of white -

(A)  Such a white body is affected by any side, hand or foot. Symptoms of the disease occur at an early age.

(B)  This type of white is spread all over the body. This type of white is more commonly seen. At first, it appears as small white spots on the little part of the hand, foot or face, and in turn, they become larger and spread all over the body.

Why is white disease

So far, scientists have not been able to find the exact cause of the white. However, it may be white for the following reasons, eg:

(A)  maybe for hereditary reasons,

(B)  some are born with this disease,

(C)  the formation of melanin-producing cell destroying substances in the body,

(D)  excessive emotional exhaustion,

(E)  White may also be caused by certain chemicals such as mono ethylene benzene.

শ্বেতী রোগ

Treatment of White Disease

If the disease is white, first you need to take the doctor's advice. Many people buy from the market and use the ointment and do not use the medicine without consulting the doctor. Many people are ashamed to go to a doctor or be ashamed to report someone who has a white disease. Do not hide the white disease should consult a doctor. Many whites can be cured with ointments or medicines. Other doctor-directed medications should be regularly massaged at the white-infected site. It may take about 6 months or even two and a half to two years to work on drugs or even more.

In the majority of cases of diabetes, long-term treatment may be required. The following methods are commonly used in the treatment of white diseases -

(1)  Cosmetics: Cover the affected part for a while using different types of cosmetics,

(2)  Drugs

           2/(a) Different types of steroid ointment,

           2/(b) Food steroid drugs in the face, riboflavin, etc.

(3) The controlled application of ultraviolet rays (UV A or UV B) can also bring back the faded colour of the affected part,

(4)  Laser: Other treatments, such as drugs or single laser therapy such as: Photodynamic therapy can also be beneficial,

(5)  Surgery: If the application of the above methods does not yield the expected result, various types of cosmetic surgeries like epidermal grafting, melanocyte transplantation, etc. can be used.

Medications that are used to treat white disease - various types of cortical steroid ointment,
calcipotriene ointment, tacrolimus or Pimecrolimus ointment, food steroid tablets 
(Prednisolone) tablets, mouthwash, Revflavin tablets, etc., Clovette, Meladinine, Vitamin B, Diet Boot. 

White Disease Day

June 26 is celebrated as World Vitiligo Day or White Disease Day. The late pop emperor Michael Jackson was also suffering from the disease, and the day has been named on his death day.

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